Cinta Romay
Project Manager
Contact Information:
Cornell University
175 Biotechnology Building
Ithaca, NY 14853
Email: mcr72@cornell.edu
Research Interests:
With a growing global population and a greater demand for environmentally friendly agriculture, the need to expand and improve the production of maize and other important crops are ever increasing. My main research interest is to find out how a genome can be efficiently manipulated to breed better crops to meet those demands. To achieve this, I help generate and analyze data using the newest molecular biology and computational tools. This work allows us to learn the most from the natural diversity generated over billions of years of evolution.
During my PhD program, I trained in maize breeding and as a postdoc, I genotyped and analyzed thousands of inbred lines preserved in the USA national maize inbred seedbank. Currently as a project manager, I coordinate all the projects in the Buckler Lab. This includes planning, finances, outreach, data management, analysis, and publications. A major component of my job is the facilitation of partnerships between people within and outside the lab.
• Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environment Engineering (focused on Plant Breeding), University of Vigo, Spain
• B.S. in Agronomy, E.P.S Lugo. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain