On Monday, June 8, 2020, the Buckler Lab hosted a virtual Practical Haplotype Graph (PHG) introductory workshop. The workshop provided a basic introduction to PHG with some additional detail about the maize NAM parent PHG and a summary of results to date.
First Hour
PHG Introduction - Peter Bradbury, Buckler Lab programmer
Why is the Practical Haplotype Graph a good idea? - Edward Buckler, USDA Research Geneticist
Building a PHG from the NAM parent assemblies - Lynn Johnson, Buckler Lab programmer
Second Hour
Using the PHG for Imputation
Creating consensus haplotypes and mapping reads - Zack Miller, Buckler Lab programmer
Finding best paths - Peter Bradbury
rPHG: accessing PHG data - Brandon Monier, Buckler Lab postdoc
Third Hour
Sorghum results - Sarah Jensen, Buckler Lab graduate student
Maize results - Arcadio Valdes, Buckler Lab graduate student
Where next? - Open Discussion